Malmö Festival 2014

Snask created this colorful typography installation for Malmö Festival 2014 in Sweden.

Malmö Festival 2014, the world’s largest identity for Scandinavia´s largest city festival (celebrating its 30th birthday party)

We started our client-agency relationship with the festival in 2008, and in 2014 Scandinavia’s largest city festival turned 30 years. The grand party took place in August and roughly 1.4 million people visited the festival over 8 consecutive days.

We wanted Malmöfestivalen to be able to celebrate in style. Therefore we created the largest physical graphic identity the world has ever seen, a gigantic physical art installation measuring 13×8 meters, enabling the visitors to interact, climb and jump on it. To produce the identity we used 10 000 nails, 175 litres of paint, 280 plywood sheets, 14 people during 900 hours, and we rented a skylift to photograph it 30 meters up in the air. 2014 graphic identity for Malmofestivalen has been featured in hundreds of articles around the globe – AdWeek, Creative Review, HOW Design and many more. The praise from visitors in the streets and from the global creative community has exceeded all our expectations.

Credits: Craftsman Ali Atié. Photographer Nils Bergendahl & Anders Sipinen.

Text and photography copyright of Snask

Malmö Festival 2014. Designed by Snask

Malmö Festival 2014. Designed by Snask

Malmö Festival 2014. Designed by Snask

Malmö Festival 2014. Designed by Snask

Malmö Festival 2014. Designed by Snask

Malmö Festival 2014. Designed by Snask

Malmö Festival 2014. Designed by Snask

Malmö Festival 2014. Designed by Snask

Malmö Festival 2014. Designed by Snask

Malmö Festival 2014. Designed by Snask

Malmö Festival 2014. Designed by Snask

Malmö Festival 2014. Designed by Snask

Malmö Festival 2014. Designed by Snask

Malmö Festival 2014. Designed by Snask
